Linear Speed

3 – Linear Speed

How to improve absolute game speed…rate of stride x stride length—establishing proper form and correct pro portions…how to improve torso stability to maximize speed…correct arm action for speed development.

Sprint Sequences
Sprinting is made up of three basic phases:
1. Drive, with power coming off the balls of the feet conveying lower lever strength
2. Recovery, with the foot clearing the ground as the thigh swings forward from the hip
3. Support , with total foot contact

To maximize improvement in sprinting, work should be broken into maximal work and submaximal work. Maximal work is fairly straightforward, comprising sprints that begin from a three-point start (mixed on your own decision or cadence), a two-point positional start, and a flying 1 0 – y a rd start (i.e., a running start, which is done by starting with a jog 10 yards before the start line and gradually accelerating to full speed at the start line). Maximal work should be perfrmed at 100% effort; a minimum of 72 hours should be allowed for re c o v e ry between sessions. Submaximal work, on the other hand, is less intense. It should be performed at 60% to 75% of maximal output.

Maximal work should be performed on pulling/squat days, and submaximal work should be performed on pushing/bench press days. Changing sprint distances also offers considerable variation in training.

This session will focus on:

– Sprint Sequences to test Drive, Recovery and Support with the footwork
– Sub Maximal Work to improve acceleration
– Circuit Runs
– Running the 40
– Jump Training including Box Jump and Barrier Jumps
– Power/Speed Skipping Drills