Strength Development

6 – Strength Development

How and why to avoid muscular adaptation… overcoming the adaptation curve—for tremendous gains in explosive power, speed, agility, and functional hypertrophy… improving motor skill ability…developing a lean, powerfully built football-perfect physique… the importance of creating deliberate chaos in your training…. addressing appropriate measures of absolute strength, speed strength, explosive strength, and strength endurance…starting strength …acceleration strength…the conjugate sequence for strength training…Special Physical Preparation…the six key multiple-joint focus lifts.

Medicine Ball Lifts
Working with a medicine ball provides a simple training medium that both complements and extends other training areas: explosive training, core development, proprioreception, eye-hand coordination, and even sport-specific twisting actions, which are difficult to replicate using other methods. Even so, medicine ball training is another area that, for some reason, is often overlooked in many training programs . Again, this is a mistake. All training should involve movement of the neuromuscular system, and medicine ball work allows for superb range of movement. In addition, by varying the training load, medicine ball training can be used in a variety of ways: from enhancing recovery to improving maximal power output.

Kettle Ball Lifts
Kettlebell work should be an instrumental portion of any lifting program. Athletes who perform kettle bell lifts not only develop a superb understanding of muscular harmony and balance but also develop powerful tendons that are suitable for long-term strength work.

Olympic Lifts
The advantages of performing Olympic lifts are far reaching. In addition to serving as a tremendous method for improving power, doing Olympic lifts also improves balance and coordination and provides a useful ground-based activity.

This session will focus on:

– Medicine Ball Lifts
– Kettle Ball Lifts
– Olympic Lifts
– Focus Lifts
– Hybrid Lifts
– Supplemental Lifts
– Abdominal Circuit