Warming Up

1 – Warming Up

General Warmup
1. Generally lasts from 5 to 10 minutes causing light perspiration.

2. Consists of easy, slow modes of activity to increase:
– Core temperature
– Heart Rate
– Neuromuscular Activation (brain and muscle communication in preparation for movement)

3. General warm-up can be achieved with these and other methods:
– Biking
– Jogging
– Jumping rope
– Calisthenics

Sport-specific Warm-up
1. Lasts from 8 to 12 minutes.

2. Should include some type of flexibility training:

– Dynamic flexibility
– Preferred before practice or competition
– Controlled, full-range movements for multiple joints

– Static stretching
– Recommended after physical activity
– No movements involved
– Usually joint specific with positions held for 30 seconds

My guidelines For Safe and Effective Technique

– Perform warm-up sets to stimulate blood flow and activate the proper muscles
– Perform exercises through the full range of motion
– Use light weights when introducing new techniques
– Do not ignore pain
– Do not use lighter weights as a solution to pain
– Instruct for use of a spotter for certain exercises
– Emphasize controlled motions
– Avoid bouncing-type motions (e.g. at the bottom of a squat)
– Introduce variety for certain exercises (e.g. varying flat bench with the incline bench)
– Focus on specificity related to sports movements

Understand basic body movements:

– Extension
– Flexion
– Rotation
– Plantar Flexion (point toe down)
– Dorsiflexion (point toe up)
– Adduction (movement toward the body)
– Abduction (movement away from the body)
– External rotation
– Internal rotation